Thanks for checking out my blog!
I wanted to use this first post as a way to introduce myself and explain a little bit about what I hope this blog can mean for you.
Anyone who knows me now sees a woman in her late 20s who loves healthy food and (gasp!) actually loves going to the gym--but it wasn't always that way.
I was an athlete for most of my life--I played sports year-round right up until college and even though I loved fruits and veggies, I always ate whatever I wanted because I was young and it didn't matter. Once I hit my freshman year of college though, I stopped working out, started studying all the time and paid zero attention to my eating habits...and packed on the pounds accordingly. I didn't feel that great about myself, but at a certain point, it wasn't about physical appearance. I didn't feel good because I wasn't taking care of myself. I dropped a few lbs. that summer and slimmed down in the years following, but it's really been the last year or two that I've started focusing on overall health.
The people around me know I have an extremely busy life--I work in television which sometimes requires long hours, I have a big family with whom I'm very close, I do a bit of volunteer work for my sorority and I'm lucky enough to be friends with lots of amazing people who for some reason seem to enjoy spending time with me. Translation: I have a lot going on and every day, week and month is a balancing act to figure out how to do all the things I want to do. It's no different for most of the people I know.
The more I learn about the human body, the more I understand just how much of a gift it truly is. There are so many things I want to see and do and learn in this world--and I want to take care of my body so I can do all those things for as long as physically possible. Additionally, the confidence and security that comes with being healthy is priceless. I don't by any means have a perfect body, but I do feel comfortable in my own skin. I do the best I can with what I have and the rest just falls into place.
Because of my own personal interest in health and fitness, I've come across a number of resources that have not only helped me get to where I am now, but inspired me to surpass my own expectations. Because I'm a nerd and constantly trying to learn new things, I love to swap tips and tricks with friends and fitness professionals and I also love to share everything I learn with others. I also talk to a lot of people who WANT to make healthy choices but don't exactly know where to start.
That's why I'm saying: START HERE. I'm not a dietician or a nutritionist or a personal trainer--I'm just a regular, busy person who wants to live a healthy lifestyle. I'm hoping I can share what worked for me and hopefully help others along the way. I'll have healthy recipes, personal stories and interviews with fitness professionals. Feel free to share your own knowledge--recipes, articles, websites--anything that aides and inspires your fitness journey.
Thanks for reading!
I can't wait to keep up with reading your blog! This will be a great source of information from someone who truly practices what she preaches.